How to set up a new assessment

Learn how to set a new assessment and start it now or schedule it for later.

To set a new assessment:

  1. Click 'Set assessment' in your menu.
  2. Browse the available assessments. Choose the assessment that is appropriate for your class.

    You can only set assessments when your school’s assessment window is open.

  3. Click the 'Set assessment' button. 
  4. Choose which classes or pupils you want to set the assessment for.image-png-Jan-11-2024-12-05-46-3434-PM
  5. To save your assessment, either:
    1. Click 'Start now'.
      This will activate your assessment and make it live for your pupils to access now.
    2. Click 'Schedule for later'.
      This will add your assessment to the list of scheduled assessments. You can activate your assessment at a later date.